Thai Wacoal Public Company Limited join with Switch-Asia for the panel discussion on "Enabling Positive Climate Action Through Circular Economy: An illustration through the apparel sector in Asia" by Dr. Sukhontharat Nitthisirisakool, Executive Director and Chairman of the Innovation Committee, represented the company in the discussion on Thai Wacoal’s approach to implementing circular economy principles. This approach has led to a 20-30% increase in costs but has helped reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 15-20%, lower the use of non-renewable natural resources, and minimize environmental impact. This commitment is part of the company’s dedication to conducting business sustainably.
Thai Wacoal Public Company Limited was rated as one of the companies with “Excellent CG” score for 10th consecutive year in the Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies (CGR) 2024, according to the survey conducted by Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD) in collaboration with The Securities and Exchange Commission and The Stock Exchange of Thailand. This score reflects the company's commitment to good corporate governance practices, as well as its dedication to conducting business in a balanced manner, aligning with sustainable development guidelines across economic, social, and environmental dimensions.
Thai Wacoal Public Company Limited has been awarded the Circular Mark certificate is the first in Thailand for lingerie products, by the Thai Environment Institute (TEI). Products of Thai Wacoal models WB5X52, WR1501, and MM1H33 have been certified in Circular Economy Management System standards and focus on efficient resource use by recycling materials, reducing the consumption of non-renewable resources, and ensuring safety from toxic substances while being environmentally friendly in both product and production processes (Green Product & Green Process). The implementation of circular economy management system also contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Thai Wacoal Public Company Limited has been certified as an Eco Factory by the Federation of Thai Industries and has received the honorary plaque for Green Industry Award Level 4 (GI 4: Green Culture) from the Department of Industrial Works, Ministry of Industry, for the 7th consecutive year. This reflects that the company’s products and manufacturing processes are free from toxins and environmentally friendly (Green Product & Green Process). The commitment to being an Eco Factory and a Green Industry is part of the company’s effort to operate in harmony with the community and the environment, aiming for sustainable development systematically. This marks the beginning of building a Green Economy
Thai Wacoal Public Company Limited has received a certificate of recognition for its participation in the project and has achieved its goals to reach Net Zero GHG Emissions based on scientific principles aligned with the objectives of the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit the global average temperature increase to no more than 2 degrees Celsius, with efforts to limit it to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius. Additionally, the company has developed an organizational greenhouse gas reduction plan under the project promoting the setting of industry greenhouse gas emission targets towards Net Zero using the Science-Based Target method. This initiative is a collaboration between the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization) (TGO) and the Excellence Circular Economy Enterprise(ECEE), Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University.