Investor Relations
Sustainability Management Policy
Thai Wacoal conducts its business with firm belief in ethics and morality. It takes into consideration the benefits of all stakeholders. Therefore, Thai Wacoal implemented the Sustainability Framework, which conforms to a globally recognized guideline. The framework ensures balance between the company’s impacts to the economy, society, and environment through the use of good corporate governance. It also promises an inclusive business environment, integrating resource management, production, inventory and logistics, sales and distribution, and customer service into one uniform system.
Sustainability Strategy
Wacoal believes that every women are born beautiful, not only by their looks, but also their “Beauty Inside”.

Social Policy

 Thai Wacoal is committed to producing safe and high-quality products by taking responsibility for impacts arising from business operations on all stakeholders. Thai Wacoal adheres to the principles of transparency, auditability, ethics and human rights, takes into account stakeholders’ benefits, and complies with laws and other requirements or relevant international practices to build sustainable social responsibility foundation on a continual basis.
Environmental Policy
“Thai Wacoal attaches great importance to quality, safety standard, caring for the environment by managing products and production processes throughout the organization under the “WACOAL ECO PRODUCT SYSTEM” to ensure safe and environment friendly operations. All business activities are conducted in compliance with this system, such as the green procurement, materials design, purchasing only high quality materials, eco-friendly product design, effective production and inventory, including communicating accurate information to customers and environmental friendly waste disposal.
Driving Business for Sustainability

  Thai Wacoal Public Company Limited prepared this Sustainability Report to reflect the company’s commitment to building a sustainable society and environment, together with maintaining a high level of ethics and morality in conducting business by reporting the impacts in all dimensions, including economic, social, and environmental dimensions through the use of the good corporate governance of the company.

Business Value Chain

Value chain management is a key strategy to deliver sustainable business success. Thai Wacoal attaches importance to every process of the business chain - including the supply chain and value chain. These help upgrading the quality of life and environment as well as fair business operation with accountability to all groups of stakeholders.

Supply Chain : the company’s main focus is on efficient use of resources, cost reduction, and better productivity.

Value Chain : improving added value to the products and services to best serve the customers.

Driving Business for Sustainability

  Thai Wacoal Public Company Limited prepared this Sustainability Report to reflect the company’s commitment to building a sustainable society and environment, together with maintaining a high level of ethics and morality in conducting business by reporting the impacts in all dimensions, including economic, social, and environmental dimensions through the use of the good corporate governance of the company.