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ไทยวาโก้ ใส่ใจสุขภาพผู้หญิงไทย ห่างไกลมะเร็งเต้านม จัดโครงการ“ประชารัฐร่วมใจ ต้านภัยมะเร็งเต้านม ปี2561” ร่วมกับภาครัฐและชุมชน
Thai Wacoal Public Company Limited, Care your health , Away from breast cancer.To be the project "Public - Private Against Breast Cancer"
Aug 22, 2018

As a lingerie organization, we realize about women health for 16 years to safe Thai people from breast cancer by collaboration from Public - Private and Thai people to make campaign, to protect and to support through various activities. For example, donating bra and breast implants for underprivilged patients by Wacoal Balancing Bra Donation Project. Also donate supporting money and buy medical equipments to public health organization. Wacoal Pink Ribbon Against Breast Cancer in community was held since 2012 - 2017 (for 6 years).

August 16, 2018 Wacoal Pink Ribbon Against Breast Cancer was organized at Thai Wacoal Public Company Limited for employee and keep continue the concept "Public " Private Collaboration to response the policy of Saha Group for community to be a project under the name of " Public - Private Collaboration Against Breast Cancer " on August 19, 2018 at Chareonkrung 89. Event's objective is to educate people, make them understand about breast cancer and provide basic screening from expert doctors and nurses. Also has public speech "Knowledge about breast cancer" before demonstrate and teach them how to check their breast by themselves from expert nurses of National Cancer Institute. Moreover, to give information about nutrient and eating behavior to save themselves from cancer and also giving information about special lingerie for patient with breast surgery by Wacoal Body Clinic as well.